Central Virginia Post-Polio Support Group
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in Richmond, Virginia

Contact Us

Officers of the CVPPSG:

President - Carol Kennedy 804-740-6833
e-mail: Ckennedy1619@aol.com

First Vice President - Henry Holland, 804-288-8295
e-mail: Henry4FDR@aol.com

Treasurer - Linda VanAken 804-778-7891
e-mail: ChatNLinda@aol.com

Secretary - Judith Moffitt, 804-754-1067
e-mail: Jmoffitt7114@aol.com

Social Committee

Barbara Bancroft, 804-204-1688
e-mail: babancroft@gmail.com

Judith Moffitt, 804-754-1067
e-mail: Jmoffitt7114@aol.com









About the CVPPSG

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© 2004 Central Virginia Post-Polio Support Group